Marvelous Marquis Cut Statement Stud Earrings

Marvelous Marquis Cut Statement Stud Earrings Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 723466559553
Regular price $ 49.95

Gorgeous and sophistication personified!

Get a beautiful surprise of a gift and wonder no more about what it is... Wear your shine on with this Marquis cut statement studs to illuminate your face and make an elegant appearance... So beautiful, you will reach for them again and again...

Make a Marvelous statement and charm everyone with your presence...


  • These statement studs come in Marquis cut crystals.
  • They come in a Platinum polish.
  • Great to wear at cocktail parties and weddings.
  • Hypoallergenic posts.
  • They come in a velvet pouch for gift giving and safekeeping.




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