Love Beyond Moon And The Stars Romantic Hoop Earrings

Love Beyond Moon And The Stars Romantic Hoop Earrings Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 723466567626
Regular price $ 24.99

This moon beautifully lightens the dark of the night, and the night comes alive when these stars appear near the moon and start to shine.

Get both pairs. Wear these fabulous earrings to convey the message of love. Wear two moons, two stars, or one moon and a star—wearing these any way you desire will give your face a touch of romance. 

Say I Love Beyond The Moon And The Stars without actually saying it...


  • You get both the moon and the star in one order.
  • Wear the Pure Moon and the Pink Star together if you have two ear piercings, or wear them as individual pairs; the result is stunning each time.
  • The Moon earrings measure 1 inch tall.
  • The Star earrings measure half an inch.
  • They come in a velvet pouch for safekeeping.
  • Get more for gift giving. 




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