
Heart and Soul Diamond Crystal Hearts Bracelet

Heart and Soul Diamond Crystal Hearts Bracelet Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 740016245506
Regular price $ 57.95

Believe in the Grace and Beauty of your Heart and Soul..

The open-ended Rose Gold bracelet starts with a Heart and ends on the Soul.. It tells you when Beauty stays in the heart , it shows on the face while Grace comes from your Soul and reflects in your persona.. 

The bracelet makes a delicate statement with the rows Diamond Crystals half way on the upper side of the wrist.. stack up with your other Rose Gold bracelets or wear on it's own.



  • The bracelet is made of Rose Gold.
  • The bracelet is adorned with little Diamond Crystals and 2 Heart shaped Diamond Crystals on each side.
  • Open-ended design makes it a perfect fit for every wrist.
  • It comes in a gift box for gift giving and safe keeping.




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