Chic And Cool Summer Cap With Rechargeable Fan

Chic And Cool Summer Cap With Rechargeable Fan
SKU / UPC#: 723466593038
Regular price $ 59.95

Chic, Cool & Effortlessly Breezy!

Stay fabulous and fresh with the Chic And Cool Summer Cap your ultimate summer sidekick with a built-in rechargeable fan. No more sweating it out just hands-free cooling with an adjustable three-speed breeze to match your vibe. Its oversized brim gives you maximum shade and makes you look glamorous. What's more, its three-speed rechargeable fan keeps you cool anytime, anywhere. It rolls up for effortless travel and storage to stay stylish and iconic anywhere you take it!

Stay powered up & breezy all day, from cruising with someone special to lounging poolside with family and city strolling with a bestie; this summer cap keeps you Chic And Cool.


    • Breeze on demand with three-speed wind adjustments on a hot summer day.
    • Sun-savvy style with oversized brim to protect your face and eyes.
    • The open-top design won't mess up your beachy wavy hair.
    • Travel-friendly to pack and go.
    • USB rechargeable for up to two hours.
    • It comes in cool and chic colors to match your vibe and surroundings.





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