Selfie Bluetooth Monopod Stick for your smartphone or camera

Selfie Bluetooth Monopod Stick for your smartphone or camera Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 740016265429
Regular price $ 67.95

Selfie Bluetooth Monopod arm extender stick for your smartphone or quick shot digital cameras. The monopod arm extender is a fast and easy way to take the perfect selfie.

The best of all is the Monopod stick has a built-in Bluetooth remote that connects to your smartphone, and when ready to take a selfie, click the button on the Monopod stick it is that easy. The stick has a built-in battery that can be recharged for nonstop usage.

The monopod stick is a telescopic stick that opens in various lengths as you desire, locks each section as you open it, and can close quickly with a slight push. When closed, it is approx. Nine inches long, and when fully extended, it is 40 inches long (3ft 4 in), almost the length of an arm. Made from durable polymer, it will give you long-term use.


  • The Selfie Monopod stick comes in multiple colors - Black, Lime Green, and Red.
  • The monopod fits and is compatible with Bluetooth on any iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Sony, Blackberry, and Nokia model.
  • Also included is the USB cable for charging the stick.
  • 1 Year Ltd Warranty.




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