Colorful Diamonds in the Sky Drilled Austrian Crystal Diamond on a Sterling Silver hook earrings

Colorful Diamond in the Sky - Drilled Crystal Diamond in S/M/L on a 925 Sterling Silver hook earrings SHOPS
SKU / UPC#: 740016242345
Regular price $ 45.95

Colorful Diamonds in the Sky. The Drilled Austrian Crystal Diamonds on a 925 Sterling Silver hook Earrings.

The stones have extra facets to outshine the real Gem Stone. These are 8mm stones with a total carat wt. of 6.5 carats for a pair of earrings.

We selected this size to keep the look real, as a Gemstones any larger size than 8 mm may look more as stones made from Glass.

You can select these from sweet colors like: PINK DIAMOND, BLUE SAPPHIRE, RED RUBY, and CHAMPAGNE DIAMOND & CLEAR DIAMOND.

It comes with a Ltd. Lifetime Warranty, in a Gift Pouch.




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