4 In 1 Beautician Beauty Grooming Wand

4 in 1 Beautician Beauty Grooming Wand Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 723466563871
Regular price $ 49.95

You will be impressed at how gently and quickly this 4-in-1 beauty wand grooms you.

Enhance your beauty and grace. Remove unwanted hair, groom your body, and beautify your face to look and feel silky smooth! Why pay so much to a beauty salon when you can beautify yourself in the comfort of your vanity?

Say no to the expensive and time-consuming beauty appointments and say hello to this Beautician, your own Beauty Grooming Wand!


  • It is made of stainless steel and has an ergonomic design. 
  • Precise and portable, take it anywhere you go, and it easily fits into a handbag and a travel pouch.
  • It has four detachable attachments to quickly and smoothly remove unwanted body and facial hair.
  • Rechargeable batteries are included.
  • Easy to use and easy to wash and clean.
  • It comes in Pink.
  • Get more for your vanity, travel bag, and gift-giving; each is sold separately. 




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