Power Bank 2800 - Smart Charger for Smartphones & more

Power Bank 2800 - Smart Charger for Smartphones & more Vista Shops
SKU / UPC#: 740016266341
Regular price $ 25.95

Power Bank 2800 Smart Charger that will charge your phone 100% and more. It will give new life to your phone instantly. You can charge and talk at the same time. This smart charger has a power charge indicator and an auto shutoff when your device is fully charged.

It has a USB port which is common in all smartphone charging cables. Simple plug & play just plug in the cable and start receiving the charge. You can reuse it over and over again it will pay for itself in just few days.

When not in use it can be on standby for 7 days holding the charge and ready to use. You get all this for price that is unbelievable. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to recharge the Smart Charger 2800 and can use it over and over again. Most people buy 6 of them and place it in every possible places that they may need it.

-2800mAh Power Bank
-USB port for charging 1.1 amp
-Includes micro usb cable for charging the power bank.
-Full compatible with all models of APPLE , SAMSUNG , LG , HTC & NOKIA smartphones.
-It can even charge a tablet or ipad.
-Comes in multiple colors.
-1 Year Warranty




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